Hitting the Pause Button

Grace is taking a shower and Micki is doing conferences til Thursday. The best part of my day has been the last 2 hours. G and I have been slumming around the house. We reheated some dinner and then snuggled up on our bed to watch cartoons. We’re both loving life. She went over to her friend Milenna’s today, and had make up all over her face. So, she’s washing up. Then we head to the fridge for a snack and back to snuggling. Boy do I love this. I told Grace how much I love to just snuggle. She said, “Dad, I love to snuggle with you too. Just think, we have three more days!” Besides the crazy church night, I think that Thursday will be a repeat of tonight. Snuggle-o-rama.

Lots to do. Gotta edit a video for the Center for Women for their fundraising dinner Friday. IYC stuff just came and that is on the hot burner to get in gear. The house still needs the light for the basement and some little touches we don’t have time for. But as for right now, I’m living in the moment. Enjoying a few moments of snuggliness with my little girl.

Shower is done. Better head back. Sometimes nights like these are just what the doctor ordered.






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