The Christmas Dinner

The Christmas Dinner
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The week before Christmas, my ladies and I traveled to New Castle, PA to celebrate Christmas with my family. It has been a hard year for all of them, so we were excited and focused on bringing Christmas cheer their way.

We had the Kia packed to the top. Literally filled with presents. Ready to go. We bought a portable DVD player for Grace (and us) to enjoy during the ride. It worked flawlessly. We stopped in Toledo to pick up some new hot tub pillows and a Browns jersey for dad. Ate at Steak and Shake. Yuk. I was out-voted.

We arrived at Mom and Dad’s and had a good quick Tuesday night. Then Wednesday afternoon, Grace and Mercedes got to play. Mom made an incredible Christmas dinner Wednesday night, and after Katherine picked up Merc, we had our Christmas. It was so fun to see how excited Grace was to give Mom and Dad their presents from Santa’s Secret Shop as well as a home made ornament she made for us at school. And fun to take our time, laugh, and enjoy being together.

Thursday we took it easy, had the cousins over for play and making gingerbread houses, and in the evening took Katherine and her family out for dinner and exchanging gifts at their house. Fun to be together. Fun to share family time. For better and worse. We joked around alot that “We’re the Archers! And we put the “FUN” in DYSFUNTIONAL!” We were actually sad to leave Chrismas Eve morning for VA, and that is always a good thing. No matter what cirucumstances come our way, we’re still family. And sharing a meal together as well as time is what it’s all about.






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