Magic Girl

Magic Girl
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Last Sunday night, Sam and I were working at my offce on Eureka stuff. We had the TV on and on TLC they were replaying “David Blaine, Street Magic.” I am facinated with magic as well as Grace. As Sam and I watched, he told me he could do half of the tricks. Dispelling the mystery. Cause he can do a lot of tricks. And Grace is all about Uncle Sam teaching her. If Sam has his way, Grace will be doing tricks at birthday parties to earn extra money. Maybe we can retire early.

Anyway, on New Years Eve, we went over to Durochers for a really cool time. We had our Christmas, and then hung out. Grace got a Magic trick box with four tricks. She immediately wanted Sam to show her how to do all four and master all four in that short of time. Sam showed her how to do a few of the tricks and Grace did the disappearing dollar. She’s working on the mind reading box, and this is the floating coke can. She absolutely loves magic. It’s been a fun stage of life and cool to see her take to something she really is interested in.






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