Sunday Sledding

The Sledder
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There’s a really cool park in Jackson called Cascades. It’s named for the outdoor ampitheatre that you pay admission to see basically a really big waterfall with lights and music. I still haven’t seen it, but I’ve heard it’s worth a look.

Cascades has bike trails, baseball diamonds, a pond to feed ducks, picnic pavilions, paddleboats, ice cream, playgrounds, and golf. When all of that is frozen over, Cascades becomes host to one of the greatest sledding hills of all time.

We went last year with Strodtbecks and had a blast. This year we invited Konos and Chilcotes. After seeing how large and steep the hills were, Chilcotes bailed to SAU to sled. But the rest of us spent the afternoon enjoying some sledding fun.

Ethan, in a way only he can, arrived excited to not sled. He told me he would rather run up the hill and then run down. So, he did. Like a madman he ran down the hill and loved every minute of it. To each his own.

Grace continued her love for the sled. She could have stayed there all day. She had fun and was a real encourager to people trying to climb the hills and little kids to help them not be scared. Only a slight meltdown upon learning it was time to go. Only because she loves it.

If you wanna see more, check out the Web gallery of the day. Lots of fun pics. It was fun for us to share time with the Konos and Strods. Spending time together with them makes things more fun. And the more time we share together, the more we become like family. Good times again at Cascades. Good times.






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