We made it. After a mad dash, and I mean mad dash to the finish, we’re home sweet home. Sorry to blog at the beginning and end of our trip, but there’s not much time. I’ll fill in the blanks in the next week with photos.
But I will slide in that we had a great time, but are also extremely glad to be home. I love it here. My house, commuity, job (most of the time) and area. The best part are my friends who are my family with our families being far away. So, I’m glad to be here.
Quick funny story, then off to tuck in Grace and soak in the tub. Toying with maybe a movie…
So, we get up at 5:30 to catch our 7:50 flight. We’re out the door by 6:15, and I’m already nervous. Gotta find a place close to the airport to fill up the rental car, or I’ll get the pooch from the car company like the last time when we were in Miami. And, as bad karma would have it, as we came closer to the airport with time not on our side, no gas stations. We go into the airport, go around the circle, and head back out. By this time I’m thinking there’s no way we’re going to make the flight. We drive about three miles away from the airport to find a gas station. Fill up, and high tail it back. I’m praying we can do the car drop quickly.
We can’t find the car rental return right off the bat, but found it as we were lucky maneuvering through the maze of turns at the airport. The car drop went smoothly and we were running. Literally running. As we got to the ticket counter, the man said that our boarding passes would be canceled, we missed baggage check in, and we would be on standby for the day because everyone was headed north. Bad news. He said “Hurry and you might make it.” 20 minutes before take-off. Not through security. Oh, and did I mention that Orlando has a tram you have to take from the main terminal to the gates? Yeah.
So I run. To security. We throw our bags up, and go through flawlessly. Then run to the tram. Hurry, Grace, Hurry! Get off at the tram, and it’s a 1/2 mile run to the gate. I take off in a sprint. With my backpack and suitcase dragging behind me. Maybe, just maybe, I can get there and hold the plane. Can’t be on standby. Gotta make it home. Go, Go, Go! As I run to the gate, which naturally is the physically farthest gate from the entrance, I see three ticket agents laughing and giving me the high sign to slow down. Did I miss it? As I got closer I heard laughter and smiles. “Slow down, you didn’t miss it. You’ve got 5 minutes to spare. I look back. Don’t see Micki. Grace is halfway there with just her backpack. Micki is dragging her suitcase, G’s and Mick’s backpack. We hobbled in the plane, sat down, and breathed a sigh of relief. We made it.
Connected on time to Philadelphia, and were layed over there for three hours. So, Grace and I explored the airport, we all got some grub, and passed the time quickly. Missed connecting with Metricartis who just moved there this winter. But made it home safe and sound. Lissa was waiting at the airport and we shimmied on home to the Shimmy Shack.
We have many other stories to share, and would love to share some of them with you in person. Make your reservations soon for a summer excursion at the Shimmy Shack in Spring Arbor. The hot tub is on and the pool is opening in two weeks! Florida was great. A HUGE privilege. People just don’t do what we did. We are continually looking to the Lord and saying THANK YOU for the blessing. We give it back to you. Another chapter in Archer-lore is written. Spring Break 2005.
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