Dinner at "The Big A"

Dinner at "The Big A"
Originally uploaded by jason@thearcherfamily.org.

I’ve got a quick moment after blogging about Memorial Day weekend to jot down a couple of thoughts from my whirlwind trip to the “Left Coast”. I left last Sunday at 6am with Jay Mansur to travel to St. Louis and then drive a couple of hours to Hannibal, MO. We met the Hosmers, a really cool family, who travel the world teaching people how to be entrepaneurs. The gave a donation to SAU to help create an institute for this, and we went to interview then for a project for Dr. Beebe here at SAU. The video project is focusing on a couple of special aspects of SAU, and so we’re traveling to tell the story. After spending Sunday night at the Hosmer’s home, we interviewed them Monday morning, tore down the equipment, and headed back to the airport. Jay headed back to Detroit. I headed to LA.

We got there 4 hours early for my flight, so I sat in the airport. In St. Louis. With nothing to do. For four hours. I read the entire USA Today cover to cover. Then when they began boarding for the non stop to LAX, they announced they were overbooked. Bottom line, they offered me a $300 voucher on American Airlines for one year anywhere they fly to give up my seat. I got re-routed to Chicago, layover there, and then to LA. So I arrived at 11:30PM PST, got my rental car, found my hotel, and got to bed at 1:30AM PST, which was 4:30AM EST.

Got up late on Tuesday, my birthday, and drove to Victorville, CA. There I met Brad Letner, an Army Captain who was working on his Masters in Communication online while he was overseas for a year in Afghanistan. Cool story. So I met his family and inteviewed him.

I only had a few hours of free time, and instead of going to the ocean or driving up to Hollywood, I drove down to Aneheim. The Angels were at home vs. the Chicago White Sox. I got tickets for the game and wound up with 2nd row behind the Angels dugout. Amazing! Got a hot dog, and even bought Cracker Jacks. Minus the nuts. Good game.

Headed back to the hotel. 12:30pm PST. And couldn’t get to sleep. Needed to be up at 5:30 to catch my flight. So, finally fell asleep at 3:30 and woke up two hours later. Made the nonstop from LAX to Detroit, and Sam picked me up. On the flight I had a chance to meet John, and aspiring actor. We talked about a bunch of things for most of the flight, but got to talk about the Lord and where he was in his spiritual journey. It was cool.

The best part was coming home the day after my birthday with a big sign on the garage and baloons everywhere. Mick cooked up some birthday Hamburger Helper and showed me my gift: A new gas grill! High-end, let me tell ya!

The best part for me of traveling is coming home. I’m glad I miss it and want to come back.






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