The Last Day of School

A Picture Share!
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Well, this is it. The last day of first grade. I can hardly believe it.

I think from time to time that perspective is a good thing. We need it. It helps keep us looking and aiming at the right things. And I believe that benchmarks are natural reasons to cause us to pause. The beginning and ending of events usually give us a chance to look and evaluate. I’m in that zone a bit now.

As Grace and I walked to McDonalds for a breakfast date, we were talking about the last day of school, what she’d be doing, and how it’s the last day for her to be a first grader. Wow! How time flies. I took this pic of her just before I kissed her goodbye in front of the school. Isn’t she cute? Man, my little girl. I have a feeling before I know it that I’m gonna be posting a high school graduation story on Grace tomorrow. How time flies.

Speaking of which, we’re on the “Open House Express” these days. Micki’s cell group girls have graduated, and we’re going to all of the open houses. Micki and Lisa made a cool photo album in iPhoto for each of the girls. A retrospective on their six years together. It’s sweet.

Mick’s finishing her last day too. Her third year teaching. Wow. That went by quick too. She’s decided to not move to a different classroom and teach Young Fives (Developmental Kindergarten) again this year. And she’s excited. So am I. Lots of excitement really.

Well, better head back to work. Gonna walk home, let Lisa Marie out, grab some lunch, and head back. But I thought I’d post a bit about what this last week has been like. Crazy. Wild. Filled up. And fun. Our family is growing. Bit by bit. Day by day. And school year by school year. Bring on the summer. Bring on South Beach (what we named our back yard with pool, hot tub, gazeebo, and patio). Bring on sunshine. Bring on pool parties, making new friends, deepening old friendships, and having fun. This summer’s gonna be the best one ever. Stay tuned and see. I may post some pics soon of our pool party last night with the Durochers. I had more fun than I could have anticipated. And we were all in the pool!






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