This is a blurry pic of G in front of her locker this morning. The first day of second grade. We went to her open house last night and it was fun. Mrs. King is her teacher, and she seems awesome. I hope it will be a great year for Grace. She seemed pretty excited to go. I think after working with Jr. High and High School students for years, we’ll cherish as much as we can the desire to go to school. We walked together through the back yard after I made an egg cassarole and cinnamon rolls for breakfast, we shimmied over to the school, put her stuff in her locker, and saw her off to class. Micki has our high-end camera for her kids today, so I’ll have to post the cute pic of Grace and Mrs. King from last night at the open house. Well, it’s August 24. We had the fan on in our bedroom last night to bring the temp into the 50’s. The pool is closing. The hot tub is opening. Pretty soon the leaves will be falling. It’s starting again. Fall. My favorite season. Fresh starts. New beginnings. And today is Micki and Grace’s. Me? I’ll just keep making Web pages and videos.
The First Day of Second Grade
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