This past Saturday night we went on a date. Just the two of us. Micki and Jason. Alone. And we went for a combo date. A little remembering the past and trying something new.
The past memory was going to Tios for dinner. Ahh. Love it. Great Mexican food. Good conversation. Then we headed to the Improv Inferno. It’s a new comedy club in AA and we decided to give it a try.
It was a cool mix of improv comedy and instant film making. They literally made a 45 minute feature before our eyes. I’ve never seen anything like it, but we sure liked it. Definitely going back. They’ve got a Web site if you wanna check it out. Feel free to check it out. The night seemed to go by too quickly, but it was a great time with Micki. It’s always great. Especially once in awhile when we get to go just the two of us.
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