Mackinac Bridge

Mackinac Bridge
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Monday Joel and I drove up to Mackinac City to interview Steve Forbes for an event on campus. We drove up Monday night, stayed at a really nice hotel, and then took the ferry over Tuesday morning to interview him.
Did the set up on the famous porch of the Grand Hotel and Dr. Beebe came with Mr. Forbes to do the interviewing. It went well, and Forbes asked Dr. Beebe to have dinner at the head table…with President Bush! #41. Daddy Bush. He told me later that the dinner was amazing and Mr. Bush is pretty incredible.
Because I basically lost two days of work, I also lost two days of school work. So, on the four hour trip home I read and wrote the entire way home. Then spent another two hours after I got home. The class work doesn’t stop just ’cause I’m out of town. But it’s another reason why I love what I do. I get to do these kind of speical projects that really make a difference.






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