Starry Night

Starry Night
Originally uploaded by Jason Archer.

Grace brought this home from school and her art class. It was an exercise to draw a famous piece of art. Grace chose Van Gogh. She told me all about it and that it was called, “Starry Night”. I thought it was amazing. We’ve got the scanner hooked up now and are going to be displaying some more of Grace and maybe even my artwork soon. Aunt Julie, I’d better be seeing some comments from you on this post!






2 responses to “Starry Night”

  1. Julie Avatar

    Holy Cow, Grace! You are awesome. I love this drawing you did of “Starry Night” You really captured the movement of those trees blowing in the wind. My favorite part of your drawing is the cars (color coordinated with the sky – of course) and Motel 6. Very creative. I wonder if Van Gogh ever stayed at Motel 6? You are such a great little artist, girl…Keep drawing!!!

  2. Sue Avatar

    Wow Gracie,
    I am really glad to see your art and what a nice job you did. Isn’t this fun doing art and letting others enjoy it too. Keep the art coming, I love seeing it. It is neat to connect with you guys.
    Sue Husted

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