Michigan’s Adventure 2006

Self Portrait
Originally uploaded by Jason Archer.

Well, we did it again. Last weekend we went for the fourth annual summer trip to Michigan’s Adventure. It was awesome. This year was just us and Strods. Micki said it’s her favorite day of the summer. It also was Samuel’s 6th birthday. So a great day to be together and celebrate the summer, life, good friends, and our family.

We spent most of our time in the water park. Grace, Micki and I tried the huge water slide. It was about three stories high. I was proud of G for trying it. She was fine until she got on the slide, tried to push herself off, and got stuck virtually hanging from the top. She got scared, looked at me with great concern, and said, “Dad, I don’t know if I want to ride this.” I told her she didn’t have to and could get up an walk back down. But the carnie teen that was “operating” the ride said to Grace, “Don’t be scared! You can do it! Go! Go!” So, reluctantly, Grace went down. She was pretty scared. But after I went down (it was fast and furious) I told her how proud I was of her trying somethign like that.

Most of the time was spent in the wave pools and the little kids water area with small slides, a pirate ship to play in and more. It was hot. But fun. At the end of the day, the three of us rode the kids roller coaster. Twice. It was a time for me to try and explain to Grace what adrenaline is. How it’s okay to be scared a little on a ride. It’s what makes it fun. She really didn’t get it until we went over the first hill. Then she had her hands up and was ready to ride it again. I said to her, “See how you’re feeling now? That’s what I was talking about.” I think she got it.

Again, spending the day with the Strods is the best way we could be at MI Adventure. It’s our family tradition. Fun for the kids to be together. Fun for John and I to lay in our own pools of sweat together. And fun for Mick and LIssa to hang. As we left, we stopped at Panera for dinner and upgraded dessert to Coldstone Creamery! A tasty treat for all. We slept really good that night. But it was a good sleep. With more great memories. More pics in our Photo Album.






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