I love U2. I really believe that they are the modern-day equivalent of the Beatles. I know it’s blasphemy, but I’ve gotta belive 20 years from now, I’ll be able to look back and say, “I saw U2 live.” Not Chicago, James Taylor, Journey, Bob Dylan, or even Petra. This band has not only been influencing culture for the past 25 years, it makes damn good music. And it’s doing something with it’s music to influence change in the world. Bono and the Edge especially.
Well, for our little anniversary date, I got Micki a high-end coat from the Gap. The Audrey Hepburn coat. It’s pretty cool. I know Gap. But it beat her tired old Wal-Mart coat that was turned inside out because of kid stains. Micki bought me a gift that i would never buy for myself. U2 by U2. The new coffee table book written by the band. So far it’s pretty cool. I brought it to work for Sherry and Joel to enjoy.
Lately my soul has been rekindled to ask questions like “What is my life really about? Am I doing and living the way God wants me to? Am I fulfilling my calling on life? What is my call?” It’s kind of serendipitous for these and other things like finishing up the Katrina trip with resources and visio for others, Dr. Campbell asking for help for his one chance to talk in Chapel and choosing to talk about the missional life and our Katrina trip, lunch with Scott Hayworth (that always messes me up 🙂 and time to simply listen and be attentive to what’s going on around me. Even the Red campaign and One campaign. People are out there doing stuff above just going to work and buying stuff. More than going to church. More. That yearning is beginning to rear it’s ugly head again.
I love it when that happens. Let happen in your life too.
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