
Smilin’ G
Originally uploaded by Jason Archer.

Welcome to the world, Gillian Faith Strodtbeck. She was born this morning at 8:51 AM at Foote Hospital. 6 pounds 8 ounces, 20 inches long. She’s perfect. She’s quiet. Content. Snuggly. And in this picture, she looks like she’s smiling.

Micki was able to get the day off today and I took the day as well to spend with John and Lissa. She was induced at around 8ish, was dialated at 2/4 at 8:30, and within five minutes, she was at 10 and pushed five times before this lovely lady arrived. Five Freaking Times! One hour of labor! You women who are reading this should cringe. Wow. I guess our prayers for a quick and healthy delivery were answered. She came out with skid marks on her she delivered so fast!

Mick and I had the privilege of being at the hospital for the morning with just the four/five of us. It was really special. Even though Micki missed the delivery by an hour, we were able to support and encourage. Tonight we had the boys while family and friends visited. Lissa and Gillian should be home tomorrow afternoon.

Wow, stuff like this never gets old. She’s truly a miracle. One we’ll get to enjoy and invest in for her whole life. Especially Aunt Micki!

More pics of the girl and her new family. | Photo Set






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