The 100 Pounder

The 100 Pounder

Originally uploaded by Jason Archer

So, by now you’ve probably figured it out: Grace is now blogging. She asked for her own blog but because this is the “Archer Family Blog”, everyone has a voice. Including the newest regular contributor: Grace Archer. You can see on the posts who the author is to know. Right now Gracie is blogging a lot like Twittering, but i’m sure you all will be able to appreciate our diversity and perspectives.

This is day two of our annual “Dad & Daughter Adventure”. We take a week to spend together while Micki is working on one of her one-week intensive courses for her MA in Education. This year G and i are headed to the Big Ticket Festival in Gaylord, MI. We are taking our time by spending one night at the famous (or infamous) Cole Family Cabin. We headed up last night, had BWW in Mt. Pleasant, Ice Cream at Kay’s in Coleman, MI, and read by candlelight at the cabin. It was a pretty awesome day.

Today we got up, had pop tarts and juice for breakfast. Grace was up before me and read, journaled, and played DS. We then went for a pretty long hike in the woods. It was pretty, but got a bit long when we kept getting cut off from the path back by huge areas of water we couldn’t cross. We finally doubled back almost the entire path back ot the cabin, read a bit more, chilled, then packed up and headed to Gaylord. We stopped here at Bears Den Pizza for dinner. The 100 Pounder. 100 pieces of pepperoni. One pound of cheese. We’ve got it saved for lunch tomorrow. We walked around Grayling, hopped in the Escape, and headed to Lewistown, where Paul and Denise Johnson live. That’s where I found some wifi and am typing this post out. Paul and Denise have been friends for years since college and rooming with Denise’s son Jeremy. Now friends with the baby son, Ben. So we got showered off, hunkered down, and now we’re chilling. I’m fighting a caffiene headache (no coffee today), but will snuggle in to read a few more chapters of my book.

Tomorrow we don’t know what we’re going to do. We’re toying with a day trip to Petoskey, Charlevoix, and also Mackinac. G’s eyes lit up when Paul mentioned Mackinac. So I think we may be headed to the bridge. It’s only a little over an hour from us. We’re really up north! Pray for the weather. It looks pretty crummy when the festival starts and we’ve brought a tent. Boo.

As usual, Grace is an amazing girl. She’s a great road trip partner. We’ll swap some stories, she’ll read, and then she’s discovered the second generation iPod with 4000 songs on it, so she’ been the DJ on the stereo. Today I introduced her to DC Talk. Old skewl. She liked some of it. I also got emails from my professors that i can hand in work later, so i’m really freed up to focus on my treasure, my girl, my Grace. I may find some time tomorrow to post, but after that, we’ll be swept into the camping festival vortex. For those of you who read this and pray, please pray for no rain and pray for our time together. It has become one of my favorite times of the year. More photos are in our Flickr site on the sidebar and on Facebook. You can follow us as we find times to post on







2 responses to “The 100 Pounder”

  1. da'MICKSTER Avatar

    Praying for you both AND for the weather. I know you will have a fantastic time no matter what. So cool you got to go to Mackinaw today. The festival begins tomorrow!!! So Fun!!! oxoxoxox

  2. Jason Avatar

    Thanks baby girl. We got some galoshes and are ready for the rain. Way to go posting comments! You are so high rent!

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