Spring Break 2011

In the winter of 2011, my wife had a dream. Her childhood didn’t afford any spring break trips. All of her friends drove to Florida for spring break. She never did. So now she’s making up for lost time. Her dream: drive from Michigan to Florida of South Carolina. From Michigan.

We did some searching for places to stay and thanks to Grandy, we got a hook up at a resort in Myrtle Beach. I was thinking of flying to California, Cancun, or Belize. Micki wanted to drive. So, for spring break, we drove. 17 hours. To Myrtle Beach.

We decided to take our time, so we stopped in Cincinatti for the first night. The next day we drove straight through to MB. Our first day on the beach was the best. Sun, sand, and heat. The rest of the week was a bit more mild, but very nice. We spent the week shopping, lounging around in our deluxe accommodations, and enjoying gearing down. We had a few really nice meals at fun spots to eat food we don’t get to try in Michigan, getting some gifts for dear friends, and one night seeing a variety show at the Alabama Theater.

The drive home we stopped for a day and night in Knoxville and Indianapolis. By the time we got home, we were all pretty tired. All in all it was great time to be together, relax, and go off the grid. But I think next year we may fly. I’m just sayin…  |  Flickr Photoset



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