Merry Christmas

Christmas 2011
Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas from the Archer family.  It’s Christmas eve, and we’re going out one more time for some last minute shopping to prepare for the next two days of time with friends and family.  It’s an exciting time.  As we look back on the past year, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we’re blessed.


Micki is teaching first grade (her tenth year as a public school teacher).  She is having a fantastic year with lovely kids and parents.  She has moved classrooms (again) and is finding a great rhythm.  After finishing her M.A. in Education, she’s able to now focus on teaching without taking additional coursework.  As we were driving home from friends last night and asking random questions to each other, Grace asked, “If you could do any job in the world, what would it be?”  Micki replied without much hesitation, “My job”.  I believe her.  She also takes pride in helping keep our household running smoothly.  This fall Micki connected with a good friend who is a personal trainer to help get she and I in shape.  She has enjoyed Mon, Wed, and Fri at 6am very much.  Me?  Not so much.


Grace is halfway through 8th grade.  Her whole life she’s wanted to be bigger and older than she was.  It’s happening before our eyes.  She is growing into an absolutely beautiful young lady.  She ran track last spring and played volleyball this fall.  She made the basketball team this winter and is looking forward to that journey.  She loves her friends, wishes everyday for a Facebook account and cell phone, but most of all, she loves Jesus.  One of the greatest qualities of Grace is her heart.  It’s soft for the Father as she tries to navigate the tumultuous waters of Jr. High.


I’m finishing my second year as Executive Director of Communication for the Free Methodist Church, USA.  It’s been a whirlwind as I’ve helped lead through some pretty significant changes.  Through it, the Father has helped me immensely, as well as the family.  I was traveling every week for work.  However, this has now changed to where I can do most of my work from my home office and occasional travel.  A few days ago I turned in my thesis to complete my M.A. in Communication.  I’ll participate in graduation in May.

2011 Highlights

Looking back on some of the SportsCenter highlights of the year, I’m in awe of what we’ve been able to do, where we’ve been able to go, and how we’ve grown.  Our prayer for you as we all enter into 2012 is that this new year would be one of deepening in experiencing the Father’s heart.  For you to discover or rediscover the fact that you’re radically loved by God – and there’s nothing you can do about it.  The more I understand this, the more it radically changes my life.

Feel free to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, and snail mail.  Below are the highlights from this past year.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Archers.






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