Going Postal

Mail time!, originally uploaded by Jason Archer.

In April we were emailing back and forth with the Miller family as they were settling into Burundi. They requested several special treats, a few luxury items like pencils, watercolors, and a birthday gift for Janette. We sent it out in April from Spring Arbor, excited for them to receive it.

Nearly three months later we were in Burundi hanging out on day two with the Millers on the front porch when someone from Hope Africa University stopped by with a slip of paper. They had a package waiting at the post office in Bujumbura.

Nahh….It couldn’t be.

Yes. It was.

Grace and I tagged along with Joel downtown. He had to pay two types of “fees”. One a customs fee. The second was a special fee. As Joel gave her the money, she promptly opened her desk drawer and put the money in her purse. When asked by Joel, “What’s the second fee for?” The lady promptly replied, “It’s for the people of Burundi.”
She was right.

It was a great lesson for Grace on how the third world works. It also is a reminder that if you want to send the Miller family a Christmas care package, you may want to get on it today.






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