Author: Jason
Birthdays in Bujumbura
It’s after 8pm on Tuesday night and I’m headed to bed soon. It was a full day here in Bujumbura, Burundi. Today we celebrated Leah Miller’s 9th birthday. Whereas home in the US, birthdays could be pulled together with 24 hours to spare with  phone calls to Sams Club for a cake, quick trip to…
Landing in Buja
Landing in Buja, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. A few hours ago we landed in Bujumbura, Burundi. We’re excited to finally arrive to a place we can settle in for the next twelve days. I’ve been wearing the same clothes for three days, so I’m ready for a shower and recovery. We arrived in Nairobi…
7 Days to go…
7 Days to go…, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. After over a year of saving, considering and planning, the Archer family is on its way to Africa for four weeks. We leave June 19 and arrive home July 16. Many people have asked us the purpose of the trip, what precipitated it, and what we’re…