Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 7 Days to go…

    7 Days to go…, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. After over a year of saving, considering and planning, the Archer family is on its way to Africa for four weeks. We leave June 19 and arrive home July 16. Many people have asked us the purpose of the trip, what precipitated it, and what we’re…

  • When I Grow Up

    Here are a few of the classic first grade essays on “When I Grow Up” from Micki’s class. The Chef When I growup I want to be a chef.  Becos I silly like to cook.   I will call my renschront “(name’s) food Bufet.  Thare I will make a difrint iceiy’s thare.  Thare will be…

  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas from the Archer family.  It’s Christmas eve, and we’re going out one more time for some last minute shopping to prepare for the next two days of time with friends and family.  It’s an exciting time.  As we look back on the past year, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that…

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