Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Ethiopian Coffee

    2012-07-12 15.57.55, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. While in Nairobi, I needed to do an interview with Mike Reynen, Area Director for Africa for the Free Methodist Church. He brought me to this authentic Ethiopian coffee shop to shoot the piece. Having coffee this way is an experience. First, the coffee is strong and flavorful.…

  • Going Postal

    Mail time!, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. In April we were emailing back and forth with the Miller family as they were settling into Burundi. They requested several special treats, a few luxury items like pencils, watercolors, and a birthday gift for Janette. We sent it out in April from Spring Arbor, excited for them…

  • Barclays

    Barclays, originally uploaded by Jason Archer. As I’ve been learning how to travel Internationally, I take my cues from the experts. For instance, on my fall trip to Madrid, I was advised to move money over to my ATM account and withdraw it when I needed local cash. The machines provide a better conversion rate…

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